About Jody Grose
A Teacher, Guide, & Mentor "Healing Bear"
Jody Grose is the founder of Return to the Fire, an organization passionately committed to healing and growth. Return to the Fire provides a variety of opportunities for men and women: weekend workshops on a private island in New Milford, CT; One to one sessions, and wilderness canoe trips for men and father-and-son teams. Jody is passionately committed to creating community. Men's work has been a central focus for Jody since 1984. Aware that to walk a conscious and spiritual life require guidance, Jody has sought out mentors, since in 1980.
Jody recently retired after a 38 year career as a special education teacher. His focus now is living a conscious life, close to the land while writing, leading workshops, retreats and wilderness trips. Jody now lives full time at his Island retreat center in New Milford.
Jody was drawn to Native American spirituality and culture in 1987, during a profound time of personal transition. He traveled to the Rosebud reservation in South Dakota to learn Earth honoring ways of the Lakota Sioux Nation. This Journey solidified his ties to Native American spirituality, a strong theme in the work that Jody does.
"What Men Have Most In Common, They Keep Hidden!"

What's the Fire?
Return to the Fire represents both the literal and figurative meanings. The sacred and community fire was the gathering place where stories, rituals, and social gatherings took place. The draw to the fire runs deep within our DNA. Furthermore, fire represents our internal power and passion for your life's true callings. When a sacred space is created, something magical occurs, perhaps it's best described as soul-work. Whether one on one or as a group, the experience can be transformational. With Jody's guidance, the fire within seeks to uncover the "Heart of the Matter". Come and Light that Fire within you!
Turn the volume up!

For men seeking a more authentic life, and for women wanting to better understand men. Enjoy 150 pages of insightful reading. Return To The Fire explores the dynamics that have impacted men's souls while offering a road map toward healthy masculinity.


Callings are the internal guides and passions that when attended to, feed our soul. Too often we are so distracted we don't hear or ignore our callings, in order to provide for our families or please our parents or society.. As Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your bliss."
Freedom is a choice that is often forgotten. Regardless of what your circumstance is, what matters is how you respond. Old patterns of behavior that are ineffective limit our choices, power, effectiveness in relationships and ultimately- our Freedom.
Courage & Perseverance
It takes tremendous courage to walk a conscious life. We all face transitions, and the challenges life and relationships bring. Seeking help and guidance is especially difficult for men in our culture, yet being the "Lone Ranger" does not offer the connection and belonging that is a fundamental need for all humans.

Health Mind, Body & Spirit
Being a truly healthy individual means more than just having a healthy body. Wholeness comes from attending to all aspects of our lives; mind , body, and spirit with; awareness, compassion and devotion. Sometimes it is what people don't see that needs the most attention or nurturing. A balanced life means a balanced approach when addressing life's demands.
Relationships require many skills, and actions that are rarely taught, such as; setting healthy boundaries, checking out the stories /our interpretations that we believe to be true, compromise, making agreements, forgiveness, clearly communicating our wants and needs...
Honor and integrity
How we respond to what life throws at us is really what defines our character. Do you keep your word, and are your actions and words consistent with your values?
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Contact Info

Jody Grose - Founder - Teacher- Guide
320 Kent Road, New Milford, CT 06776
Heart of the Matter-Private Sessions
Jody brings over thirty years of devotion to his personal healing and training to provide compassion, deep listening and experience to those seeking guidance. Jody's life and practice has been informed by: mentors, Native American spirituality, Buddhism, devotion to therapy and his own healing and a therapeutic supervisor for the last 30 years . The journey of counseling, often involves unpacking false beliefs, and old patterns while building internal awareness and empowerment to more successfully navigate; relationships, life transitions and the challenges of being human.
Soul Work
A primary focus of Jody’s work since 1984 has been guiding and welcoming men and women to their inner lives where courage and vulnerability are held with honor and respect. This is often experienced as a true coming home to themselves, where belonging and meaning are found. Jody works with individuals- men & women, men’s groups, parent and child, and offers a variety of workshops and wilderness canoe trips.
Phone sessions available. Call now for a free consultation or to schedule a session. You can use the "Inquire" button below to launch an email for general questions, or you are welcome to use the Register / Inquire Form below to schedule a session (Note: The Contact link, within the Main Menu/Navigation will take you to these same options). You can also contact Jody directly at (203) 731-7755 or by using the email address healingbear11@gmail.com

Private Sessions
One on One

Individuals & Groups
A grandfather is speaking to his grandson. He says that everyday there is a battle in his heart. There are two wolves fighting, one is greed, pettiness, mistrust, fear and hatred, while the other is kind, compassionate, giving, loving. The wide-eyed grandson asks, who wins?
The grandfather's wise response, the one I feed.