I am touched by the support many have
offered in celebrating and buying my book! If you found meaning in my book, please consider going to my website: returntothefire.com and write a review. You can order through my website and now through Amazon.
If you are interested in participating in my summer offerings. Please text, call or email me and I will follow up with you. 203-731-7755 or healingbear11@gmail.com
Jody Grose & Return To The Fire
Programs for 2024
All programs held on the private Island Retreat Center in New Milford , CT.
Father & son (grandfathers & grandsons welcome)Adventure Weekend
July 20-21
Sons 7-16
This weekend provides fathers and sons experiences that creates a bond and memories for life! Group challenges, games, stories around the fire, play, Island theater, free time, swimming, canoeing...fill the weekend experience with opportunities to joyfully celebrate and deepen your special relationship. Cost $325
Adirondack Canoe Trip
July 24-28
Imagine 5 days and nights in the beautiful wilderness of the Adirondacks. This Lake trip offers; connection with nature and self, community building, and FUN! Plenty of time in camp for: relaxation, excursions in canoe or hike, community, quiet time... All food and equipment provided, expect your personal gear. Cost $475
Men's Weekend
Aug 3-4
"Path of the Open-Hearted Warrior"The focus of the weekend is to inspire and engage men is assessing and integrating their authentic power while embracing the freedom of full self-expression.
Many men feel a deep longing to be seen, appreciated, and to belong. Because of the cultural mandates that repress men’s feelings, and our shame-based society, men often live lives of quiet desperation. This weekend experience invites men to transform isolation into aliveness where their passion and courage are accessed!
Father & Daughter Bonding Weekend
Aug. 24th -25th
Daughters 7-16 yrs. old
This weekend provides fathers and daughters a rich and playful experiences that creates a bond, connection and memories for life! The days are filled with: group challenges, structured actives, father & daughter time, free time to swim, canoe, play… and more! $325
Details & Additional offerings:
Personal counseling (Remote available)
Call now to enroll-Space is limited
For more information go to: wwwreturntothefire.com or call
Jody Grose 203-731-7755
To order Book: Return to the Fire- Understanding & Celebrating Healthy Masculinity